The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
New faces arrive each June to assist with education and research programs for the summer. This year we welcome Cassie, Grace, Larissa, and Jessica, and welcome back Amanda.
Wells Reserve is expanding fisheries science and conflict management research thanks to two grants from the NERRS Science Collaborative.
Dr. Jason Goldstein will oversee the Wells Reserves fish studies, salt marsh restoration activities, and long-term environmental monitoring program. He will expand the reserves shellfish program, currently focused on green crab research, into lobster and Jonah crab ecology.
This spring, our research staff will be heading out to nearby rivers to begin a fish-monitoring project and you can get involved.
We're collaborating with the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) to generate up-to-date population information on species with the greatest conservation need in coastal Maine. DMR staff have identified potential spawning habitat for diadromous species such as alewife, rainbow smelt, and brook trout in the Merriland River, Mousam River, and Little River (Biddeford). Now were off too see if these species are indeed using these habitats.