The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
For seven years strong, the Reserve has partnered with Center for Wildlife and York County Audubon to offer Winter Wildlife Day during Maine's school vacation week. Last week, on a balmy February morning with 50 degree temperatures, nearly 200 people attended this family-friendly free event. Some even stayed into the afternoon to sled down the farmhouse hill on the fast disappearing snowpack, and observe a snow sculpture artist in action.
Thirteen Head Start preschools from across York County visited the Reserve on numerous occasions this past year to experience the great outdoors and make exciting wildlife discoveries. They came in the fall, winter, and spring seasons to hear a nature-based story, meet a variety of animal puppets, create a related craft to take home, and walk the trails while engaged in scavenger hunts and sensory adventures.