The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
It's a 20-year tradition: In each season of every year since 1989, birders from the York County Audubon Society have scoured the forests and fields, marshes and beach of the Wells Reserve, intent on counting all the birds they can see or hear in 3 hours. Teams spread out to cover four routes, never knowing what they'll encounter.
At yesterday's post-survey compilation, it was clear that the Muskie and Pilger trails were the hot spot. That's where most of the 127 warblers of 15 species were found.
Survey coordinator Joanne Stevens and data handler Nancy McReel have shared the full results from one of the birdiest quarterly surveys the Audubon team has done75 species.&
Canada Goose???? 59
American Black Duck???? 3
Mallard???? 22
Common Eider???? 19
Surf Scoter???? 2
Black Scoter???? 2
Long-tailed Duck???? 2
Red-breasted Merganser???? 10
Wild Turkey???? 8
Common Loon???? 2
Double-crested Cormorant???? 49
Great Blue Heron???? 3
Turkey Vulture???? 1
Osprey???? 4
hawk sp.???? 1
Merlin???? 1
Greater Yellowlegs???? 4
Willet???? 41
Herring Gull???? 56
Great Black-backed Gull???? 2
Rock Pigeon???? 5
Mourning Dove???? 5
Belted Kingfisher???? 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker???? 1
Hairy Woodpecker???? 1
Northern Flicker???? 1
Eastern Phoebe???? 4
Eastern Kingbird???? 1
Blue-headed Vireo???? 1
Blue Jay???? 26
American Crow???? 34
Tree Swallow???? 37
Barn Swallow???? 11
Black-capped Chickadee???? 29
Tufted Titmouse???? 5
White-breasted Nuthatch???? 3
House Wren???? 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet???? 1
Eastern Bluebird???? 3
Veery???? 2
Hermit Thrush???? 1
American Robin???? 16
Gray Catbird???? 29
Northern Mockingbird???? 7
Brown Thrasher???? 1
European Starling???? 11
Blue-winged Warbler???? 1
Nashville Warbler???? 8
Northern Parula???? 14
Yellow Warbler???? 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler???? 10
Magnolia Warbler???? 4
Black-throated Blue Warbler???? 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler???? 3
Black-throated Green Warbler???? 6
Pine Warbler???? 1
Black-and-white Warbler???? 15
American Redstart???? 4
Ovenbird???? 5
Common Yellowthroat???? 48
Wilson's Warbler???? 2
Eastern Towhee???? 25
Chipping Sparrow???? 1
Savannah Sparrow???? 1
Song Sparrow???? 13
Swamp Sparrow???? 4
White-throated Sparrow???? 5
White-crowned Sparrow???? 1
Northern Cardinal???? 2
Bobolink???? 10
Red-winged Blackbird???? 49
Common Grackle???? 29
Brown-headed Cowbird???? 2
Baltimore Oriole???? 3
American Goldfinch???? 15
House Sparrow???? 18