Program Calendar
On-site and online activities for education and enjoyment.
On-site and online activities for education and enjoyment.
Come learn about Frank Wertheim's monthlong volunteer experience with farmers in Tanzania!
Learn the secrets of this special ecosystem, nestled between the forest and seashore.
Paddle the salt marsh with a registered Maine kayak guide and knowledgeable naturalist.
Apprenez les secrets de cette place unique,nichée entre la forêt et le bord de la mer. Learn the secrets of this special place, nestled between the forest and seashore.
Revivez les histoires de ces bâtiments historiques du passé au aujourd’hui! Delve into the stories of what this place was and is today!
Paddle the salt marsh with a registered Maine kayak guide and knowledgeable naturalist.
Join us for a story hour for ages 3-5 and their caregivers!
Join local dog trainer Melissa McCue-McGrath to learn about her work training dogs to find the invasive spotted lantern fly!
Join Natural Resource Specialist Vanessa Beaulieu for a walk to the Reserve's American Chestnut grove!
Paddle the salt marsh with a registered Maine kayak guide and knowledgeable naturalist.
Experience the Reserve by moonlight with Maine Master Naturalist Linda Littlefield Grenfell.
Explore the Reserve's accessible trail at Wells Harbor and learn about estuaries.
Practice mindfulness with Maine Master Naturalist Linda Littlefield Grenfell!