CoastWise Approach
CoastWise provides a voluntary set of best practices, decision-making tools, and path for designing safe, cost-effective, ecologically supportive, and climate-resilient tidal crossings.
Phase 1: Develop tools, decision-making methods, and guidance materials
Phase 2: Create and implement outreach and training for the CoastWise Approach
- CoastWise Project Overview (updated January 2022)
- CoastWise Approach Manual (July 2023)
- Topic 1: Sea Level Rise Scenario Selection (September 2021)
- Topic 2: Establishing Objectives (updated February 2022)
- Topic 3: Modeling and Alternatives Analysis Products (updated February 2022)
- Social Coast 2020 presentation (February 2020)
Target deliverables:
- Maine Tidal Restriction Atlas
- Road crossing project checklist for municipalities and their agents
- Road crossing project checklist for restoration practitioners
- Decision-making tools to meet economic, ecological, and safety objectives
- List of vulnerable species and associated mapping resources
- Catalog of tidal road crossing types and applications
- Technical design guidance document for improvement of tidal hydrology at road crossings
- Outreach and training for communities and technical users
Thirty-plus entities are involved with crafting the CoastWise Approach. The effort is coordinated by the Maine Coastal Program within the Department of Marine Resources. For information, contact Kathleen Leyden.