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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog, our collective logbook on the web.

Now 100% Solar

Posted by | March 16, 2015 | Filed under: Culture

The Wells Reserve at Laudholm is the first nonprofit in Maine to go 100% solar. Our photovoltaic systems now generate enough solar energy to meet all of our electricity needs. We've met this goal 2 years ahead of schedule and celebrate the accomplishment on the spring equinox this Friday.

Going 100 percent solar at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm

Why Go 100% Solar?

  • Reducing carbon emissions is essential for battling climate change.
  • Reducing energy costs will strengthen our science, education, and conservation programs.
  • With dedicated partners, vision, and leadership Maine has the capacity to reach for energy independence and a sustainable future.

System Facts (through 2015)

  • Four solar arrays  3 rooftop and 1 ground-mounted
  • 248 individual panels
  • 73,000 kWh produced annually *
  • 90,000 pounds of CO2 offset annually
  • Cost: $207,157

* Maine Coastal Ecology Center 42,128 kWh, Alheim Commons dormitory 16,758 kWh, Alheim Commons ground 7,954 kWh, "post-doc" house 6,083 kWh.

See our Solar Stats

Graph showing 2 days of solar power generation

View Energy Produced, CO2 Avoided, and More

Our investment in solar infrastructure is paid in full thanks to&

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Mattina R. Proctor Foundation
  • Davis Conservation Foundation
  • Town of Wells
  • Efficiency Maine
  • and generous donors to the Wells Reserve at Laudholm


More Reading

Photo Gallery

Visit Flickr for our solar photo album.


Join us March 20 to mark our milestone.

Check out this short video from our March 20, 2015 Solar Celebration:

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