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Art Spaces of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm

by Wells Reserve Contributor

The nature and history imbued in the Wells Reserve at Laudholm have inspired artists for decades. On occasion, we are able to organize events and activities that allow creativity and creative works to be shared. Here, then, is an abbreviated list of those opportunities. We appreciate the artists, viewers, patrons, and sponsors who support these forays into the intersections between art, culture, and science.

Maine Coastal Ecology Center

Two rooms holding educational exhibits for their first 20 years now contain mission-focused artwork from May to October. CEC exhibits follow Visitor Center hours. Entrance is free with regular admission to the Wells Reserve.


Consider the Lobster: A Decapod Odyssey in Art

June 14 to November 4  A unique and engaging exploration of lobster through the lens of art, this exhibition invites the viewer to consider what this remarkable creature can teach us about ourselves and the world we inhabit. Consider the Lobster showcases pieces that explore the life cycle and soul of the plentiful and delicious creature that occupies such a unique place in both marine ecology and Maines coastal community. This group exhibition includes painting, photography, and mixed media works by local artists including Amy Kelly, Sue Rioux, Peter Sheppard, Wade Zahares, and others.

"Haddie, a painting by Kelly Jo Shows


Krisanne Baker

September 1 to October 13  "subMerge: An Oceanic Relationship"  Underwater intertidal images, a glass "mutating" plankton installation, and paintings inspired by microscope plankton gazing and NASA and NOAA satellite images.

Detail from artwork by Krisanne Baker

Nikon Small World

May 9 to August 31  Twenty images celebrating the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope from the 47th annual Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.

First place image in the 2021 Nikon Small World photomicrography competition: Trichome (white appendages) and stomata (purple pores) on a southern live oak leaf. ? Jason Kirk.


B.A. "Tony" King

August to October  "Honoring Trees"

Daisy Braun

July 28 to August 22  "being the current"

Jessica Brunacini

July to August  "What Makes This a Special Place: A Photovoice Exhibition"

Nikon Small World

May to August  Twenty images celebrating the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope. From the 46th annual photomicrography competition.


B.A. (Tony) King

August 25 to October 24, 2021  "The Peace of Wild Things: Herons & Egrets Through the Lens of B.A. (Tony) King"

Gillet T. Page

July 21 to August 22, 2021  "Summer Splashes" sculpture and collage

Nikon Small World

May 28 to July 18, 2021  The top 20 images from the 44th annual Nikon Small World photomicrography competition, selected out of nearly 2,500 entries from scientists and artists in 89 countries. Nikon Small World celebrates the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope.

Spittlebug nymph in its bubble house, photographed by Saulius Gugis of Naperville, Illinois, winner of third place in the 2018 Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.
Spittlebug nymph in its bubble house, photographed by Saulius Gugis of Naperville, Illinois, winner of third place in the 2018 Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.

Eugene Frederick Art Hallway

The under-barn passage to Mather Auditorium was retrofit to accept art displays thanks to the generosity of the Frederick family.

Featured Artists

James Dochtermann

Fish (April 2007)

Gail Henderson

Photographs ()

Invited Artists

Painterly, Plus Jazz (July 2008)

George Burk

Aspects of Change (August 2010)  Sumi ink and brush drawings depicting salt marsh scenes

Vanessa Nesvig

micro-biotic (September 2013)  Exquisite things passed by or unexposed

Robin Swennes

(September 2014)

Tony King

(September 2018)

Anne Banfield

(September 2019)

Nikon Small World

(August to November 2021)

Eric Gold

Heron (August 2023; permanent)  Collaborative work

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