The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
Time has taken its toll on the ramp located on the north side of the farmhouse (aka Visitor Center). In even worse shape is the wall itself. With generous help from Lang Construction and several volunteers, the ramp and wall are getting the attention they need. This project has many details associated with permits, historical accuracy, and logistics, so please pardon the inconvenience and welcome the improvements to an iconic building.
We'll provide regular updates with photos below (last change May 19, 2014).
First step: Remove the old access ramp and stairs into the docent room / woodshed. Frank Heller and Jim Slocombe were out early in sub-zero wind chill to take care of this part of the job.
By the next morning, the ramp and rail are gone and the weather has become a little warmer and wetter.
The old footings are forced from the ground.
The concrete ramp is coming out and this secondary entrance will no longer be ADA accessible. With the "new" main entrance to the Visitor Center already accessible, this entry sees less use altogether and the new steps and landing will be less elaborate.
Over the extended break, the old clapboards were removed and a new landing was started. Wicked winds, heavy snow, and some icy conditions slowed progress a bit.
A full crew gets going again, taking advantage of an above-freezing day.
Over their day of progress in mid-January, the crew had worked halfway up the wall with new clapboards. Then the weather turned again and the look was "locked in" right into March.
And before winter's out, the clapboards are completely installed!
The reduced steps and landing were in place in early spring, but we waited a while for the weather to get warm and dry enough for painting to get done. Thankfully, we were awarded an AmeriCorps team this spring and they started laying on the yellow.