The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.
We had a great crew of volunteers for our first Spring Spiff Up on the morning of May 18. Folks from near and far, some old friends and some new to the place, pitched in to dig ditches and dandelions, plant trees and flowers, and paint fences and bathroom walls. After a busy and beautiful few hours, many paused to help us dedicate the ecology center solar panels before venturing off. Some went home or off to lunch or on to chores, while others headed down to the beach or into the woods for a well deserved relax. We appreciate everyone's help and hope the day was as rewarding for you as it was for us.
The nearly 40 people who attended Dr. Stephen Mulkey's "Crisis and Opportunity in the Environmental Century" Climate Stewards lecture in mid-May left with a clear message: We are out of time and we must act now.
Mulkey began his talk with a quote from David Orr, "All education is environmental education& by what is included or excluded we teach the young that they are part of, or apart from, the natural world." Mulkey spoke of his (incredible) work as President of Unity College, becoming the first college in the country to divest from fossil fuels, as well as recently integrating climate change education across the entire curriculum. Unity's students study the complexity of interactions among the economy, society, and nature--a framework for the future known as "sustainability science."
Lots of oversized, cheerful, full of energy chipmunks descended upon the Reserve earlier this month during Preschool Story Hour! Thanks to parent Jackie Lipsky, their festive activities in response to Chippy Chipmunk Parties in the Garden were captured for all to see. Thanks so much for the photos, Jackie! We look forward to seeing lots of preschoolers and their parents for our next story hour on Tuesday, June 11 from 10:30-11:30am, when Nicole Fazio's Down East in the Ocean will be featured.
WELLS, Maine, May 21, 2013 York County Master Gardeners and the Wells Reserve at Laudholm are offering local gardeners several opportunities to improve their knowledge and skills around their home gardening through a series of workshops this summer at the new All Seasons Garden at the reserve.
All Seasons Garden workshops begin with Sheet Mulching and Home Composting on May 30 and continue with Drip Irrigation on June 4, Yardscaping on June 19, and Four-Season Gardening on August 29. Each two-hour, hands-on workshop begins at 6pm and costs $7 ($5 for members of Laudholm Trust). A special noontime brown-bag talk on Three Sisters Gardening and Companion Planting will be offered June 12 for a $2 suggested donation. See for details and to register in advance for each evening workshop.
Periodic controlled burns are an excellent tool for strengthening grassland habitat. Once upon a time wild fires occurred regularly, but today it's not sensible to let fires rage across the landscape. Without an occasional burn, though, New England grasslands gradually succeed to shrublands and then to forests.
Year 4 of the popular teacher training program.
Sending a big thank you to the generous team of children and adults who participated in yesterday's Laudholm Beach clean-up! We found cans, bottles, cigarette butts, fishing/lobster gear, a brush, comb, dock float, rope, ribbon, styrofoam, plastic bits, and some beach stabilization debris.
Prior to the clean-up, some of us watched the public film screening of "Bag It" in the auditorium. I hope that everyone (we recommend ages 12 and up) on the planet sees this film! It really does a fantastic job of presenting a global picture of the effects that our plastic waste has on the environment...and inspires its viewers to take action!
Below are photos of the Laudholm Beach stewards doing their part yesterday&