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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Why "The Wrack"? In its cycles of ebb and flow, the sea transports a melange of weed, shell, bone, feather, wood, rope, and trash from place to place, then deposits it at the furthest reach of spent surf. This former flotsam is full of interesting stuff for anybody who cares to kneel and take a look. Now and then, the line of wrack reveals a treasure.

  • Changing Landscapes Ribbon-cutting

    | June 25, 2011

    Rain didn't dampen spirits during the ceremony for the new exhibits! About 50 people enjoyed locally made refreshments before touring the rooms.

  • Old Postcards of Laudholm

    | June 23, 2011

    A small envelope in the Laudholm archives holds two postcards dating from the early 20th century. They were passed along to Mort Mather by Ellie Carberry perhaps around 1992.

  • Solstice at the Summit

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 23, 2011

    To celebrate the summer season, natural resource outreach leaders held a meeting atop Mt. Agamenticus on the first day of summer, June 21st. Mt. Agamenticus covers about 30,000 acres in Southern Maine and proved to be the perfect meeting place to discuss the watersheds of the area. Subjects such as riparian buffers, sustainable development, and water health were?discussed?in the learning lodge on top of the small mountain. Ideas were shared and traded such as concept mapping. Concept mapping is starting with an idea, such as healthy water, and then branching?connected?ideas from that main subject. It is a unique activity that shows how others may think. What comes to your mind first when you think of a healthy watershed?

  • Sea Raven Sighting

    | June 16, 2011
    Last Tuesday, June 7, the Reserve's education team made a morning low tide?visit to Laudholm Beach as part of new staff training. They were treated to a most amazing sighting of a bright red, approximately 15 inch long Sea Raven! David Word, a Wells Reserve visitor from Kentucky, was nearby and had his camera. Below are two images of the fish?that?David so?generously emailed today. …
  • Granite Steps for New Entrance

    | June 3, 2011

    Millenium Granite installers finish the new entrywayIn planning for new Visitor Center exhibits, it was pre-determined we would not make significant changes to the historic farmhouse that contains them. But it also became clear early on that something needed to be done to improve the "flow" through exhibit rooms. Before long, a simple solution arose: Move the main entrance to another door.

  • Coastal Training Program Field Trip

    Wells Reserve Contributor | June 2, 2011

    My first day on the job as an intern at the Wells Reserve included a field trip tour of my new home with fellow new interns, Veronica Spolarich and Kathryn Rosengren. Coastal Training mentors Annie Cox and Chris Feurt drove us all across York county to talk about the history of the watersheds in the area.

  • Teleost Tuesday: Trout in the Classroom

    | May 17, 2011

    Teacher Edward Tivnan chose trout rearing as his Teachers on the Estuary (TOTE) classroom project. Eggs were delivered to?Notre Dame?High School (Lawrence, Massachusetts) in November and his students got a lot of hands-on learning over subsequent months. The fish were later released into a local trout stream.

    Read a newspaper article about the project

  • International Migratory Bird Day Update

    | May 16, 2011

    Our first International Migratory Bird Day event was a big success on Saturday, with?200 people in attendance!?Scott Richardson led a bird walk on the trails of the Reserve, where?participants were treated to a white-eyed vireo sighting.

  • Lamprey River and Great Bay NERR Field Trip

    | May 12, 2011

    For the past few years, the staff at the Wells Reserve and Laudholm Trust have taken a springtime day trip to places with missions similar to our own. It's great to get out together to see how others meet challenges big and small. Yesterday's focus was on the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in New Hampshire. Our two Reserves are constantly collaborating, but this was a good chance to broaden and deepen the relationship.

  • TOTE stewardship project: Nashoba Regional HS

    | April 26, 2011

    Alison Doucette, a teacher at Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton, Massachusetts, was the first to report on the stewardship project that all TOTE participants committed to as part of their involvement in the 2010 Teachers on the Estuary workshop.