The Wrack
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.
Determine the presence or absence of diadromous rainbow smelt and appropriate habitat within the restored area of Shoreys Brook
March and April 2012
Habitat Assessment? Determine extent of tidal flooding and tidal incursion, identify potential spawning substrate, measure water quality and water velocity
Site Passability? Measure water velocity and water depth
Fish Use? Fish with fyke net, survey for eggs, visually search for fish at night
Monitoring of Post-Restoration Habitat Conditions in Shorey's Brook, December 2012 (1MB)
(taken from above report)
Habitat conditions in Shorey's brook are in a state of fluctuation as the restored stream channel carves its way through the formerly impounded sediment. Future culvert replacement work at the Route 101 crossing may influence sediment regimes in the downstream restored area. It may take a period of several years before significant spawning substrates will emerge from the restored stream bottom. As the new channel forms, cascades that currently create velocity and elevation barriers for smelt may migrate upstream or disappear entirely, enabling access to additional habitat. With smelt already utilizing downstream habitat, there is potential for these fish to utilize emerging habitat in the restored reach of the brook.
Potential sources of habitat degradation do exist in Shoreys Brook, including sedimentation, eutrophication, tidal influence, and low flows, which could contribute to increased smelt egg mortality.
Great Works Regional Land Trust