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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Posts tagged nerra

  • Is the National Reserve System in Danger?

    | March 9, 2017 | Filed under: News

    The President's budget eliminates funding for the National Estuarine Research Reserve System in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018. The complete budget process includes Congress, however, which is demonstrating it has its own spending priorities.

    Last update: March 22, 2018

  • Hearting Estuaries V

    | February 10, 2017 | Filed under: Opinion

    Say it with us! Join the 2017 #iheartestuaries campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and IRL on February 12, 13, and 14. Raise your voice on behalf of estuaries. Call out to Congress with a simple message: "I care about estuaries and this is why…"

  • Alphabet Soup and the Budget

    | March 3, 2015 | Filed under: Culture

    The first week of March is customarily when reserve managers visit Congressional offices in DC to explain why the estuarine reserves are such a healthy bargain.

  • Tidal Rave

    | September 20, 2014

    Little River estuary salt marsh. ? Jeff Stevensen

    The following was published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 9/21/2014.

    With a too-short summer and the back-to-school fracas, anyone would be pardoned for missing the official Congressional resolution naming this coming week National Estuaries Week, the annual celebration of the places where rivers meet the sea.

    Before you get too excited, please understand that the resolution is merely pending, and that estuaries dont get the whole month. According to Congress, the entire 30 days of September have, in recent years, been reserved for Gospel Music Heritage, Bourbon Heritage, Prostate Cancer Awareness, Childhood Obesity, Honey, and even Self-Awareness. (And you thought our legislators didnt do anything  shame on you.)

    Resolved or not, 1/52nd of a year certainly seems like a worthy amount of time to devote to estuaries, those humble places of mud and marsh that do so much.

  • We Definitely *Heart* Estuaries

    | February 12, 2014 | Filed under: Opinion

    As a warm-up to the 2014 #iheartestuaries campaign, I asked all of our staff to fill in the blank in this sentence: "I love estuaries because __________." Here are the responses…

  • Say It With Us: I Heart Estuaries

    | February 11, 2014 | Filed under: Opinion

    Raise your voice on behalf of estuaries. Join our #iheartestuaries campaign to reach Congress with a simple message: "I love estuaries and this is why…"

    Let your legislators know you want the NERR System funded.

  • A Thanksgiving Toast to the Coast

    | November 23, 2013

    Aerial image looking south toward Wells Bay

    The following was published in the Biddeford-Saco?Journal Tribune Sunday edition, 11/24/13:

    Many of the staff of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm were in West Virginia this past week for the annual conference of the 28 national estuarine research reserves. Researchers, educators, conservationists, land managers and even evangelists like me pulled ourselves away from our coastal homes to share ideas, hammer out new projects for 2014, and do some good old-fashioned colleague schmoozing.

    I flew out of Portland on a sparkling, "unlimited visibility" Monday afternoon. My Southwest flight passed three miles above the Wells Reserve, giving me the rare opportunity to get a live bird's eye view of our little corner of the Maine coast. Looking down, I smiled quietly over how beautiful and tranquil the place looked.

  • Chris Feurt, Wells Reserve Training Coordinator, Receives National Honor

    | December 13, 2012 | Filed under: News

    Dr. Christine B. Feurt, coordinator of the Coastal Training Program at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), was presented with the 2012 NERR System and NERR Association Award at the annual NERRS/NERRA meeting held in West Virginia in November. The award is given annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the reserve system.

  • Wells Reserve Director Receives National Honor

    | November 4, 2011 | Filed under: News

    Paul Dest was presented with the 2011 NERR System and NERR Association Award at the annual NERRS/NERRA meeting at Ponte Verde Beach, Florida, on October 27.

  • Reserve manager adds national role

    | December 15, 2005

    At the annual meeting of the National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) System and NERR Association, Wells Reserve manager Paul Dest accepted the role of NERRA president for 2006-2007.