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The Wrack

The Wrack is the Wells Reserve blog.

Every Day Should Be #GivingTuesday

Posted by | December 2, 2014 | Filed under: Opinion


Frankly, I don't understand why giving comes *after* shopping.

As if "whatever's left in the change purse" is what should go in the charity bucket once I'm through with the mall... or the Internet.

As if the other 364 days of the year, I should be... not giving?

I like to give. One Tuesday per year is not enough, I say.

One day is too little to devote to all the organizations, causes, places, and people I think are making our world better.

If we're advised to "honour Christmas in our hearts, and try to keep it all the year," then let's do the same with #GivingTuesday.

And let us not just give cash. Time, stuff, connections, muscle, passion -- the world's do-gooders can use all the help they can get.

Not just on one day, but every day. And for a lifetime.


Here's what I think about giving to one particular organization, the Wells Reserve at Laudholm. I hope it inspires you as this place inspires me.


November 17, 2014

Recently, I remembered something odd about this time of year. Instead of taking me on autumn shuffles through the golden leaves, my grandmother, the love of my childhood life, would have been inside. Shed have been steadily canning fruits and vegetables, the bounty of our short summer, for hours each day, every day of the week.

Ever the grasshopper to her ant, I scoffed. But then, on a recent freezing rain day, I opened one of her jars of peaches. With a twist, a *pop*, and one taste of that bottled sunshine, I understood just how smart thinking ahead can be.

Thirty-six summers ago, the plan for old Laudholm Farm was three dozen single family homes crammed atop the hill. The housing development would have meant progress: construction jobs, Boston-commuting jobs, a bigger tax base. Developing Wells would have developed further.

But a band of local citizens, folks like you, understood the deeper value of the place. They knew that once the old saltwater farm was gone, it would never come back. Its rivers and forests and fields, its fish and fowl, needed preserving.

Because there was only one Laudholm.

When youre staring at the last of something, you dont use it up. You save it for the future, so when the future comes, youve got something in reserve.

And so we do. Today, the Wells Reserve at Laudholm brings joy to peoples hearts. It gives families a place to spend time in nature, it gives locals a place to hide from the summer crowds. Volunteers, members, scientists, other nonprofits, local towns and their schools all tap their Reserve to learn about our world and to make it better.

Planning ahead by preserving this place: friends like you made the smart move. The fruits of their labor are enjoyed by generation after generation.

But the trick with canning fruits or preserving places is: its an annual activity. Even at this seemingly timeless place, time doesnt stop. To make the most of the future we need to plan ahead.

The coastal science we do here at the Wells Reserve, the programs we deliver to the curious of all ages, the practices we preach: when it comes down to it, theyre all about planning ahead.

  • Educating children about the natural world is giving tomorrows leaders a whole earth perspective.
  • Studying how green crabs, warmer seasons, and rising seas will affect our coastline in the years to come is about knowing where were going.
  • Working with local towns to assess their coastal defenses for the future storms is about knowing what needs to be done.
  • Installing enough solar panels to become the first nonprofit in Maine to become 100% solar powered is securing our future energy needs.

As you can see, like my grandmother and her jars, were preparing ourselves and our local communities to meet the challenges and opportunities of our changing world. But we cant do this work alone. In fact, we need everyones help, especially yours.

If you know me, you know I like to say that the Wells Reserve is your reserve. But its the futures too. This holiday season, Ill be giving thanks to the people, like you, who helped save this place, who help keep it going, who share it with others. Thank you for YOUR support; I can tell you understand the value of the Wells Reserve and the value of planning ahead.

Resilience is a word weve been using here a lot lately. It means being able to deal with what life throws at us. It means having some cans on the shelf, and some knowledge in our heads, for the years to come.

Resilience means having a reserve.

The Maine we love, the ocean we adore, the coast and seasons: theyre all changing, but we can continue protecting the way life should be by planning ahead and building up our reserve. We want to raise $30,000 by December 31st. Not just for the work we do today, but to be the place Maine will need tomorrow.

Please join the Wells Reserve at Laudholms can do spirit and

make a year-end contribution to support our work

to create a healthy, vibrant, and resilient coast.

With your help, we can.


Nik Charov

President, Laudholm Trust


P.S. Yes, you can! Please make your donation to our Annual Fund before December 31st. Like my canny granny, youll help spread peach on earth, and goodwill to all.